Tuesday, November 13, 2007

School Work

So, Thanksgiving is almost here! WOOHOO! Once Thursday is over, I can finally breathe easy! When we return from Thanksgiving I will have about 4 tests (that includes finals) and that is it for the semester. Time sure flies by when you are busy...thank goodness for that!

So, some of you may be wondering exactly what I do in class (then again, maybe you aren't) but just in case you cared, here is one of my assignments.


I created that entire bad boy. Craziness. I have a video and powerpoint and photostory that will be added on there at some point. So, I am pretty proud of my little creation, especially after seeing some of my fellow classmates websites. Hopefully I make a good grade! :o)

PS- thank the dear Lord that Clint is home from his trip!


Jason and Stephanie Trook said...

I'm so proud of you! Your project is great! I can't believe how fast the semester has gone either. However, I am thankful! Good luck on your final 4 tests! Enjoy your Turkey Day!

Ryan M said...

Yes, I sure hope so! haha, chances are we will, so I guess I'll see you then.