Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No excuse

No excuse for my poor blogging skills. Not sure why I even pretend that I am good at blogging! I do have some new pictures of Cooper and Britton, taken about 2 months ago. I guess that I use the term "new" rather loosely...

Website that you MUST check out. http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com/
Prepare for your life to be wrecked when you read it. Amazing, and completely unbelievable. Can't stop thinking about it. If you would like to donate, head over to www.jennysimmons.com to find out how!

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is the dream life...

I just taught Cooper how to "correctly" use his underwear so he can go potty without taking all of his clothes off. The kid thinks that he is in heaven with this new invention. That's why the picture is on the back of the undies..who knew?

oh, for the record, he thinks that he will just "leave it out" for the next time he has to go potty. Mind you, I did teach him how to put it back...

What a life. :o)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Photos

Just a few pictures to show how precious our boys looked on Easter! Can we say models? :o)

Monday, March 9, 2009

You know you've run over a skunk when...

Friday night we were driving home from a little get together when we accidentally ran over a skunk. Neither one of us had done that before, and can I say that from now on we will do whatever it takes to not do it again. Seriously, the smell associated with a dead skunk is terrrrible. We can still smell it despite our attempts to rectify the situation. ugh.

In other news, Britton Thomas joined our world on Jan. 15, 2009 around 7:45ish. He weighed 7lbs 14 oz. and is absolutely precious. We loved our stay at the hospital in Decatur. They are awesome there! Britton is still doing great, now almost 2 months old (already??) and most likely over 10 lbs. He loves to eat and talk and smile. Precious! He has not had a bottle yet, which we are all impressed with, especially knowing what type of eater his big brother is. Britton, I have a feeling, will be much bigger than Cooper. He is sleeping well at night, which I am extremely grateful for!

Cooper is a great big brother, who loves to love on his little brother. He sometimes likes to hug a little too tight, kiss a little too long, and lay on top of baby Britton as he calls him. I have a feeling he will be a tough little boy after Cooper is done loving on him! Coop is growing so much, he seems enormous compared to Britton! He is doing puzzles like it is no big deal, and he comes up with the funniest things to say. He has a great sense of humor. He is definitely missing his friends and familiar surroundings from Lubbock, but he has adjusted pretty well. He has been asking if we can go back home more recently, but I can't figure out what he is referring to. We took him by our old house in Lubbock (which the sale was completed a week after B was born! wahoo!) and he was very confused and said he didn't know where we were. So, who knows what he is talking about.

Anyways, things are going great here in big D. Just trucking along, planning all kinds of fun stuff for our youth group. We are looking forward to a little bit of a spring break, and we might even see Disney on Ice!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally...a baby!

Well, we finally have some good news on the baby Britton front! We are having a c-section on Thursday morning at 7:30. WOOHOO! I am so ready for this pregnancy to be over. Once we found out that I had the protein S deficiency, it has not been fun. I have had to have shots everyday, and I will actually continue for 6 weeks post partum. The shots help thin my blood, so they are literally life savers, but they are painful and cause some crazy bruising. Next time around I will have to do the shots for the full 9 months and 6 weeks post partum...yuck. Anyways, 2 more rounds of the bad shots and then on to the better, different kind of pain shots. Lovely.

Anyways, God has definitely showed us that he is in control in all of this, which we really already knew but has been magnified. Needless to say, I have never been more read to deliver. Hopefully someone will post some pictures on here or facebook quickly after Britton arrives!